Anti Racism Code


The Federal Youth Sports Association (FYSA) is responsible for the operation of the Bihar Little Champions League (BLCL). This Anti-Racism Policy for Players and Team Officials (the “Anti-Racism Code”) is adopted and implemented as part of BLCL.

By issuing this Anti-Racism Code, FYSA aims to ensure that all participants (Players and Team Officials) conduct themselves in an appropriate manner and avoid any actions that could be construed as racially or religiously offensive. Any matters related to improper conduct of this nature shall be addressed by the Management Committee/Disciplinary Committee fairly and expeditiously.


All Players and Team Officials are automatically bound by and required to comply with all provisions of the Anti-Racism Code.

    All Players and Team Officials agree to:

  • Familiarize themselves with the requirements of the Anti-Racism Code, including what conduct constitutes an offense under this Code.
  • Submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Management Committee/Disciplinary Committee for hearing and determining any charges brought under the Anti-Racism Code.
  • Not initiate any proceedings in a court or other forum that are inconsistent with this submission to the jurisdiction of the Management Committee/Disciplinary Committee.
  • Recognize that conduct prohibited under the Anti-Racism Code may also breach other applicable laws or regulations (e.g., those governing equal opportunities and/or anti-discrimination). The Anti-Racism Code is intended to supplement such laws and regulations, not to prejudice or undermine their application. Participants must comply with all applicable laws and regulations at all times.


Conduct by a Player or Team Official that amounts to an offense under the Anti-Racism Code includes, but is not limited to, any actions (through language, gestures, or otherwise) that insult, humiliate, intimidate, threaten, disparage, offend, or vilify any reasonable person in the position of a Player, Team Official, Umpire, Match Referee, or any other person (including a Spectator) on the basis of race, religion, culture, color, descent, nationality, or ethnic origin.


If the Management Committee/Disciplinary Committee determines that an offense under the Anti-Racism Code has been committed, they shall impose an appropriate sanction on the Player or Team Official.

The Management Committee/Disciplinary Committee will consider the nature of the offense when determining the term of suspension for the Player or Team Official. The committee also reserves the right to terminate the Player’s or Team Official’s participation in BLCL, depending on the seriousness of the offense.

The decision of the Management Committee/Disciplinary Committee shall be final and binding on all stakeholders.


  • The Anti-Racism Code may be amended by FYSA from time to time, with such amendments taking effect on the date specified by FYSA.
  • The headings used for the various articles of the Anti-Racism Code are for guidance only and shall not be considered part of the substance of the Code or influence the language of the provisions to which they refer.
  • If any article or provision of the Anti-Racism Code is held invalid, unenforceable, or illegal, the Code shall remain in full force apart from such article or provision, which shall be deemed deleted insofar as it is invalid, unenforceable, or illegal.